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Why Study With Us
Πάνω από 40 χρόνια εμπειρίας
Συνδυάζουμε την εμπειρία με την καινοτομία, το παραδοσιακό με το νέο για μια ουσιαστική εκπαιδευτική εμπειρία.
Εκπαιδευμένοι, έμπειροι καθηγητές
Έμπειροι και συνεχώς εκπαιδευόμενοι καθηγητές προσφέρουν εμπειρία, γνώση, αξιοπιστία και αποτελέσματα.
Εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα
Τα εφαρμοσμένα συστήματα, οι διαδικασίες αλλά και η μεθοδολογία μας, διασφαλίζουν υψηλά επίπεδα ποιότητας του εκπαιδευτικού προϊόντος.
Φιλικό εκπαιδευτικό περιβάλλον
Η ατμόσφαιρα και η ποιότητα των σχέσεων που αναπτύσσονται διασφαλίζουν ένα ζεστό, οικογενειακό και φιλικό περιβάλλον.
Intensive English Program
for International Students
What We Offer
New Programs
Μήνυμα Διεύθυνσης
Η εμπιστοσύνη, ο σεβασμός, η ειλικρίνεια και η ανταπόκριση στις εκπαιδευτικές σας ανάγκες αποτελούν προτεραιότητά μας και αυτοσκοπό.
Τα φροντιστήριά μας προσφέρουν μαθήματα ξένων γλωσσών, ομαδικά και ατομικά, και απευθύνονται σε όλες τις ηλικίες και τα επίπεδα γνώσης.
Στα φροντιστήριά μας, θα εμπλουτίσετε το επίπεδο των γνώσεών σας και θα αποκτήσετε εμπειρία και αυτοπεποίθηση.
Online Μαθήματα
Στα φροντιστήρια ξένων γλωσσών Netschools Συμεωνίδης παρέχουμε τη δυνατότητα της εξ’ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευσης.
What We Learn
For You to Choose
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”30px 0 0 0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”30px 0 0 0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”30px 0 0 0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”30px 0 0 0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”30px 0 0 0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”30px 0 0 0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”30px 0 0 0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”30px 0 0 0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”30px 0 0 0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”30px 0 0 0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”30px 0 0 0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”30px 0 0 0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”30px 0 0 0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”30px 0 0 0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” link=”url:%23|||”]
Standard General English Course
for Adults
1-11 weeks $195
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165″ flipdirection=”rightleft” cardshape=”square” titlesize=”1.5em” contentsize=”1em” contentwidth=”75%” elementheight=”280px” elementmargin=”30px 0 0 0″ link=”url:%23|||”]
Popular Courses
Only the Best
FCE Exam Preparation Intensive 4 Weeks
This 4-week preparation courses will help improve your language knowledge, also receive reading and listening practice to build your vocabulary and grammar range.
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165
12-24 weeks $180
25-35 weeks $170
>35 weeks $165
Why Choose Us
Simple Reasons

Over 20 Years of Experience
In 2000 our centre became an academic department within the school of languages.
At the end of course you will get the certificate and valuable skills and experience.
Exclusive Learning Materials
Our learning materials include text with multimedia on all areas of the curriculum.
Friendly Learning Environment
Our method based on learning a language in a friendly and open atmosphere.
Career Upgrade
Learning a new language is a fascinating thing that can lead to great opportunities.
Professional Teachers
Our team consist of high-quality and certified teachers with big experience.
Featured Instructors
Meet the Team

Susan Matthews

William Stanley

Barbara Russell

Brandon Martin
Our Blog
And Events
Online Course Materials
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consr adipiscing elit. Praesent vestibulum molestie lacus. Aenean nonummy hendrerit mauris. Phasellus porta.
Read moreLanguage Resources Centre
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consr adipiscing elit. Praesent vestibulum molestie lacus. Aenean nonummy hendrerit mauris. Phasellus porta.
Read moreLanguage Level Assessments
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consr adipiscing elit. Praesent vestibulum molestie lacus. Aenean nonummy hendrerit mauris. Phasellus porta.
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